Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Ox Box Eco-Shield Weatherproof Triple-wall Boxes Perform Beyond Expectations

A North American producer of pest control bait needs to ship their product in bulk to remote locations around the globe.  The packaging required to contain the product would need to be extremely strong to stack thousands of pounds of product and capable of being exposed to challenging environments.
Ox Box designs and manufactures Eco-Shield bulk boxes strong enough to contain and stack the heavy product.  The weatherproof material enables the boxes to survive long ocean travel while being exposed to the elements.
"We now regard Ox Box as the gold standard for packaging rodent bait for remote locations. While loading bait in Tahiti for shipping to the islands, the local ship’s crew stacked some of the Ox Boxes 7 high and then for good measure threw some other stuff on top. The ship then went through some pretty rough seas to get to the project sites. Most of the Ox Boxes were then covered in salt spray during the unloading process and subsequently drenched in a 16 inch tropical downpour over a 48 hour period.  Despite the ill treatment, the Ox Boxes held up beautifully."
Click here for Eco-Shield product information.